It’s the time of year again when the leaves are changing and falling from the trees. This means that the chance to start collecting leaves for your compost pile is upon you! If you have your own deciduous trees, start collecting the leaves and setting them aside. If you don’t happen to have leaves available, […]
July Newsletter: Agricorps Youth Meet Worms
If you have been following us on social media, you are aware that we recently hosted eight volunteers from the Larimer County Conservation Corps Agricorps program and their two supervisors, Melissa and Alex. This program is part of the Larimer County Workforce Center. See for more information. Each Monday in July, from 8:00-12:00 these 14-16 […]
April Newsletter: It’s that time of year again!
It’s that time of year again! I’m of course referring to that fact that it is now spring! For our worms, this means that they are coming out of hibernation, wiping that sleep out of their eyes (well, they would if they had eyes), and hungrily devouring their buffet of compost. For us it means […]

February Newsletter: Soil Conferences

Although we may already know a great deal about soil, we at Soil Stewardship are committed to furthering our education even more. One way that we do this is by attending soil conferences across Colorado (and sometimes even across the nation). In January, we excitedly attended the VINCO 2015 Conference in Grand Junction, CO which […]