Vermicompost contains Nitrogen which is readily available for use by plant roots. It also contains compounds called plant growth hormones. These help plants grow large sturdy root systems and flower sooner. The addition of vermicompost has also been shown to help plants resist stress and disease pressures.
Vermicompost can be added to soil as a top dressing, incorporated into the soil at planting time, and made into an aerated liquid extract called compost tea. Some studies have shown that when seeds or plants are potted with twenty percent by volume vermicompost mixed with potting soil, plants grow stronger and better resist diseases.
Vermicompost is a sustainable, organic product that is good for soils, plants, animals, humans, and especially good for the future of our planet Earth. Making and using vermicompost will hopefully work its way into more agricultural systems. In the future, as we learn even more about the importance of healthy soils, this amazing product of the lowly earth worm can benefit us in ways we probably have not yet even imagined.